President of TKO Firm Challenges UFC Antitrust Lawsuit Settlement Denial, Commits to Persisting Regardless of Outcome

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The UFC is currently engaging in discussions with the parties involved in two antitrust lawsuits. However, a judge declined the initial settlement proposal, creating uncertainty about how the situation will unfold.

Judge Richard Boulware from Nevada rejected a settlement deal in July, where the UFC had agreed to pay $335 million to resolve the lawsuits filed back in 2014. The judge raised concerns about the low payment amount and potential objections from fighters covered in the second lawsuit regarding existing contract terms.

The president of TKO Group Holdings, Mark Shapiro, disapproved of the judge’s choice to turn down the settlement, despite the agreement of both parties involved. The judge set a new trial date for the first lawsuit while encouraging a fresh preliminary settlement deal between the parties.

The UFC is actively communicating with the plaintiffs to steer clear of a trial, although Shapiro highlighted that the company has reached its limit in terms of settling. In the event of a trial leading to a judgment against the UFC, Shapiro affirmed that the company would exhaust all legal avenues to contest the decision.

Shapiro maintains optimism that the UFC will ultimately resolve the matter but criticized the ruling that halted the initial settlement, branding the situation absurd and advantageous only for lawyers.

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