In the 1960s, numerous exceptional pound-for-pound boxers competed, such as Muhammad Ali, Eder Jofre, and Emile Griffith. Griffith achieved the title of three-time undisputed world welterweight champion and two-time undisputed world middleweight champion throughout this era. Jofre claimed the NBA bantamweight champion title in 1960 and is hailed as the greatest bantamweight of all time, defending his title 8 times. Ali, widely regarded as the greatest heavyweight ever, rose to become the undisputed world heavyweight champion in 1964 and successfully defended his title 9 times before facing a suspension of his boxing license in 1967. Watch Rummy’s Corner’s video to discover who the top 10 pound-for-pound boxers of the 1960s were, as determined by a survey of 26 volunteers.